BLACK BART #2 - Inside front cover
It's easy to understand why corporate business is such a deadly,
enervating thing, with its 'Gentlemen:', 'remittance enclosed', and
'yours of the 16th received', It easy to understand how, in that
environment, money becomes the be-all of existence, there is nothing
else exchanged except hollow platitudes. Our mail, here in Canyon,
has been easily the richest and most rewarding part of this
Each letter, each card has been a new and refreshing experience over
the past few weeks. We only wish that it were possible to share them
all with you, so you could realize, as we now do, that there is a
community of us. Vast, scattered over the face the country, but still
a community of free or wanting-to-be-free middle-agers, The best we
are able to do is pass along a series of excerpts, so you can see for
yourself that you are not alone. Beyond that, we are going to
initiate a new way, for any of you feel isolated, to make contact
with would-be OUTLAWS (and some real ones) in your own area.
The details are explained below this selection from our recent
Each time we look at our growing file of 'subscribers', we are
aware that some vital factor is missing in trying to organize
community, and relate people to one another through the pages of a
magazine. The cards in the file are closely huddled together, but the
people they represent are miles apart, and do not even know of each
other's existence.
The OUTLAW Register is one attempt to resolve this problem,
and we are off to a small but healthy start on it in this issue. But
there are still hundreds of you out there who are out of range of the
registered OUTLAWS, and yet many of you may live within a few
miles of one another without knowing it. We are therefore going to
begin another service. If you will send a stamped and self-addressed
envelope, we shall return to you the names and addresses of other
'subscribers' who are near you.
Bear in mind that the ranks are still thin and most of our
'subscribers' are in the populated areas. But community by mail can
also be rewarding, and the roster will continue to grow. We shall
also mark the cards of those who want to use this service, and try to
keep you advised of new 'subscribers' in your immediate area from
time to time.
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