The Writings of Irv Thomas on Consciousness and Reality, awareness, perception, belief, the reshaping of reality, the non-rational, left/right hemispheric differentiation, synchronicities, the I Ching and other inner discovery tools, breaking out of the rational fixation, Jungian thinking, archetypes, etc.

 Theme Index #1

Consciousness and Reality

(one of nine indexes that cluster similar subjects, for your ease in searching or browsing)
The table below will let you shift easily to another index

Index #1 - this is where you are

Index #2 - Cycles and the Seasonal Life

Index #3 - Personal Change and Growth

Index #4 - Simple Living and Poverty as a choice

Index #5 - Right Livelihood and Work

Index #6 - Social Concerns and Community

Index #7 - Culture and the Ways of the World

Index #8 - Technology and Science

Index #9 - The Playful, Creative Self

For expanded detail of each index return to Theme Quadrant


How to read the coding system built into each of the links (eg: NL..94) 

BB: Black Bart series

NV: non-venue writings

IA: Innocence Abroad

OP: other publications

JL: Personal journaling

RS: Ripening Seasons series

NL: personal Newsletter series

UW: UW Daily column series

First two characters of link indicate venue.
For greater detail on venues go to Venue Quadrant

(Thus, NL..94 means:1994 newsletter, signficant treatment of topic)


major treatment


significant treatment


lesser treatment

dots indicate extent of item
Final digits tell the year

Quick link to keywords used in this Index:

Free will
- in relation to Archetypal ripening pattern RS.97

I Ching
- instances of use RS.97

- Dynamics of, connection with beliefs RS..96

- characteristic, suggestive of mechanism whereby we remain blind to influence of Ripening Archetype RS.97

- Earliest noted (when I dropped out) RS.96
- On the road, 1998 RS..98